Počet návštevníkov


vanmar majesty

Ch.Yuppie Peri Biely démon

bon.kód. - 111 121 111 131 1 chovný/ stud dog
výška 32,5 cm, dĺžka 39 cm, nos 3,0 cm

EFS/CC - clear/clear
vyšetr. očí - PRA - neg., patelly neg. 06/2014 - srdce - neg.

3x VN1, Best youth teamdog - Mark Sedgwick
5x V1, CAJC, Best junior dog, Best nicest junior dog, Best of junior,
6x CAC, r.CAC, 3x Winner color Ruby dog, Winner special show
Junior champion Slovakia, Champion Slovakia

Harana´s Fernando
Dortmund Take a Chance Harana
Harana Sinatra
Dortmund Sweet Talk
Ch. Harana Minnelli
Harana Jazzie Jeff
Billie Jean Harana
Ich.Firuzé Qiri Biely démon
Swynworth Indoxyl
UK Ch. Buckny mellow Man of Chamanic
Swynworth Barium
Jch.Tanita Biely démon
Ich. Bonema Gold Sovereign for Choya
Indiana Biely démon

foto 11.2012